Conceptions of The Love of God On Some Verses Of The Canticle. Prologue S. Teresa of Jesus of the Order of our Lady of Carmel St. Teresa of Avila From the Book, "Minor Works Of St. Teresa Conceptions Of The Love Of God Exclamations, Maxims And Poems" |
Introduction To
The Conceptions Of The Love Of God.
JHS. Maria.
I have been a witness
to the mercies
to the mercies
that our Lord grants to souls
(whom) He has called to these convents,
which His Majesty has been pleased
should be established
according to the primitive Rule
of our Lady of Mount Carmel.
So sublime are some of the Divine favours
shown to several of the nuns
that only those
who realise the need
who realise the need
of somebody explaining to them
certain things which occur in the intercourse
between Christ and the soul,
can understand
what these religious suffer for want of light.
For several years
He has made me take such delight
in hearing and reading some of the texts
in the Canticles of Solomon,
that, although I cannot clearly understand
the meaning of the Latin in Spanish,
yet they impress and affect me
more than many devotional books
in my own tongue.
This is usually the case,
but although people have told me
the sense of the words in Spanish,
I do not grasp their meaning
any better than before . . . [1]
and without intending it,
they withdraw my soul from Him. . . .
For the last two years,
our Lord has enabled me
to perceive unaided
the doctrine contained
in some of these texts,
the doctrine contained
in some of these texts,
which I think would bring comfort
to those sisters
whom He leads in this way,
and even
to myself ;
For sometimes
He teaches me much on the subject
that I should like to remember,
yet I have never dared to write it down.
By the advice of certain persons
whom I am bound to obey,
I will tell you some of the meanings
that Christ taught me were contained
in certain words
in which my soul delighted
during the state of prayer
to which He has also raised
some of the sisters in our convents,
who are also my sisters.
If it is given you to read,
accept this poor little gift from her
who desires for you,
as for herself,
all the gifts of the Holy Ghost,
in Whose name I begin this book.
Should I meet with any success
in my attempt,
it will not be through my own abilities.
May His Majesty enable me
to accomplish the work ! . . .
Foot Notes: [1] The manuscript of Alba de Tormes, the only one to contain this Prologue, is incomplete here and at the end, part of the sheet being torn off. |
End of the Prologue by St. Teresa of the Conceptions of the Love of God S. Teresa of Jesus of the Order of our Lady of Carmel St. Teresa of Avila From the Book, "Minor Works Of St. Teresa Conceptions Of The Love Of God Exclamations, Maxims And Poems" |